The Blog


The airport blues

If I were catching a flight, I’d happily take the bus in Guangzhou, but not Singapore. Why?

Rural urbanism?

Does the rural environment necessitate a rejection of the human-centric principles we base urbanism on in the cities? An emerging Chinese rural development trend firmly says no.

Nicoll Highway, 20 Years On…

Safety is often the top priority in many industries, such as construction, engineering, computer science, etc. It is no different here in Singapore, where stringent protocols and guidelines are put in place and enforced so that companies and firms abide by them, therefore allowing many Singaporeans to work and play with peace of mind knowing…

Thinking about scales

Singapore is far bigger than we usually think it is. It’s beneficial to urban planning to not think of our 728 sqkm space as merely one city, but much more.

Do you remember…?

There is value in learning your own history, in learning from historical mistakes. Unfortunately, humanity seems pretty inept at failing to prevent their recurrence…

More isn’t better

As we start getting three-door buses en masse, it’s important that we are clear of our design choices in buses, and the reasoning behind them.

Basics – Feeders

Feeders, a special network of buses we all use. What are they, How have they come along, how will they evolve and how to identify them? Read to find out more.

Green, on two wheels

An increasingly indispensible part of our transport ecosystem, but not quite living up to its full potential. What’s stopping it, and what can we do?

Hearts of iron

What keeps the top 50 cities in China active, vibrant and economically powerful despite their crushingly massive population sizes? Their effective and elaborate rail rapid transit systems. Here’s a quick review (not the most representative though) of the Chinese metro experience.


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